Tesla cars keep more data than you think, including this video of a crash that totaled a Model 3

I will never forget that Tesla spied on a New York Times reporter in the privacy of their car, without their knowledge or consent, for the express purpose of undermining journalism critical of Tesla.


(extreme emphasis on "unaware that his every move was being monitored".) There's multiple, legitimate, interpretations of this affair/incident, but in my eyes the salient one is the astoundingly unethical "Elon: let's get dirt on the journalist" part. Maybe the journalist sucked too, they're not exclusive options.

(Apropos, I have a confused memory of an incident were someone died in a Tesla, and on the same day (?) Tesla released damaging facts about their driving record or criminal history or something? Like a proper press release pounding on a guy who had died hours before? It might have been Uber not Tesla, I can barely recall -- my memory tells me it was in either AZ on NM? If anyone can fix my memory, I'd be grateful. I remember whatever this incident was made me deeply pissed off at one of the megacorps, although I admit I can't recall which particular megacorp it was. If it was in fact Uber I apologize for wasting this forum's time)

/r/RealTesla Thread Link - cnbc.com