‘Text tax’ vote canceled by California utilities panel after FCC ruling . . . NICE TRY COMMIFORNIA

My brother is a flaming liberal who moved out to clownifornia 10 years ago. He was raised by conservatives who love him in the midwest. He has 4 kids and has been divorced twice. He pays $5,000/month in child support. He makes about 150,000 and he lives in his car because of this. I love the dude, but he literally thinks conservatives are evil. The piece of shit changed his last name when he got married the second time because, muh...reeee...patriarchy. He alienated both of my parents for years and only started to come around and call now that he needs them. He tries to swindle them out of money and when that stopped working, he started calling my conservative uncles trying to give them his son story hoping they would help him out. He hadn't talked to my uncles in years, and they are all conservative. It's like....if conservatives are so bad, then stop trying to swindle money out of them. Your elected politicians out there in commiefornia should help ya out! Oh wait, he's a white Male and they hate him but he doesn't know it.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - foxnews.com