Thank you all for everything!

Hey dude.

(long story short) I was diagnosed with cancer days before my 18th birthday. On my 18th birthday I went into surgery and had it removed. While having it removed was a good thing, it had already spread; they found a small amount in my left armpit. I was more-or-less told I would be lucky to be around 5 years from my diagnosis (so would be lucky to see my 23rd-24th birthday).

I spent the preceding 7 years of my life depressed and basically sitting around waiting for the inevitable.. I made the necessary preparations and waited... for three.. four.. then five years... If you wait long enough for something to happen, if you make preparations and base all your life decisions around this one thing, you end up wanting it to happen.. Not once did I think I may live beyond those five years. I spent five years preparing to die... and when it didn't happen, I had no plan b... I had waited for it for so long and had totally convinced myself that it was the end, that when it didn't happen I was pissed off.

Without going into detail, it took me 7ish years before I managed to change my mindset and start living, making the most out of whatever time I have. I have since turned my life around. In the past 2 years I have done some amazing things. I have done what I have wanted to do and have given myself purpose and a reason to live. I see myself having a bright future and am happier than ever.

Cancer isn't a death sentence. Being diagnosed with cancer changes nothing apart from the fact that you have been told something that everybody on this planet already knows – one day you will die.

I had my 27th birthday a week ago and am healthier (as far as I know) and happier than ever..

I wont install you with false hope or tell you meaningless shit like "everything will be alright", but I will tell you this. Don't do what I did and let it take any more of your time than its going to, not a fucking day. Live your life, keep your chin up, and follow your heart. You and I, may not be graced with a quantity of time, but we sure as hell can make that time fucking great.

/r/pcmasterrace Thread