Thank you for the volatility on Game Stop!!

The bounce is drained! All the cover purchases are done. All the covers complete. Any big fund that was sweating it is in the clear now. If they had enough margin during this rollercoaster then they are home and dry now. They bulled the price up and creamed you on an opening long trade, then fleeced you on the short side, then caught the inevitable buy back bounce.

Regression to the mean guys. Bollinger bands, Python, Jupyter notebooks, access to minute by minute ticker historical and scikit learn. Those are my tools and in 4 hours today I have doubled my money!

Date order tick units strike Account in Account out

1/28/2021 Sell GME 2000 $256.00 $511,980.01 $806,708.14

1/28/2021 Buy GME 2000 $125.00 $250,019.99 $544,728.13

1/28/2021 Cover GME 450 $126.01 $56,724.49 $544,748.12

1/28/2021 Sell TSLA 150 $842.47 $126,350.51 $482,668.11

1/28/2021 Short GME 450 $397.00 $178,628.21 $420,753.40

1/28/2021 Buy TSLA 150 $828.53 $124,299.49 $420,773.39

1/28/2021 Cover CENX 19000 $10.02 $190,399.99 $420,793.38

1/28/2021 Cover GME 492 $398.88 $196,270.92 $420,813.37

1/28/2021 Short CENX 19000 $10.00 $190,004.71 $418,942.18

1/28/2021 Short GME 450 $403.45 $181,532.51 $418,962.17

1/28/2021 Short GME 42 $470.00 $19,720.01 $416,187.06

1/28/2021 Sell GME 400 $470.00 $187,980.01 $416,207.05

1/28/2021 Cover TSLA 230 $815.38 $187,557.39 $416,227.04

1/28/2021 Cover GME 300 $470.00 $141,019.99 $416,247.03

1/28/2021 Buy GME 400 $361.30 $144,539.99 $403,352.32

1/28/2021 Short TSLA 230 $818.89 $188,324.71 $407,453.71

/r/wallstreetbets Thread