That's....that's not how it works.

ugh. I said the expecting women convince the doctors.... that's how late-term's are allowed. No conspiracy doctor pro-whatever bullshit. I didn't say doctors were actually using the baby parts and encouraging the abortions. I said that women can find doctors that align with their values to get any sort of "special circumstance" abortion. It's just a fact that this is a legal process in my state.

I say that you can't even tell me when life starts, what week, what gestational milestone -- and you prove me right, downvote and start spouting some conspiracy bullshit, just like CNN.

I didn't say tax dollars went to anything; I simply stated my position because the weak-ass argument is always "yOu jUsT WaNt tO ReStRiCt aCcEsS To bIrTh cOnTrOl"

Tell me something factual, something interesting... something you aren't just regurgitating from somewhere else.

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