The_Donald mods want to host and AMA with r/Sikh, One Trump supporting Sikh isn't too happy about the sub's unenthusiasm .

Ahh government propaganda at its finest. If they simply wanted to kill bhindranwale why was the army running practise simulations of the attack one year prior, before bhindranwale was even at Amritsar. Why did they kick out all journalists from the city before the attack. Why did they attack 60 other gurudwaras across Punjab at the same time. Why did they choose to attack on one of the holiest Sikh holidays. Why was the Sikh reference library looted then burned down after bhindranwale was already dead.

If bhindranwale was a terrorist then why was their no evidence of him committing any crimes, there wasn't even an arrest warrant. Go do some research on black cats (false flag attacks organized by the Punjab police to make Sikhs look like terrorists).

Bhindranwale and his men armed themselves after the nirankari massacre at Amritsar. The police stood by and watched as 80 Sikhs were gunned down, then the government let the shooters walk free, no justice what so ever. Bhindranwale seeked to defend his people when he knew the government would not, and for that he was labeled a terrorist and compared to hitler.

As for the air india bombing I suggest reading "soft target air india bombing". The Indian government actively blocked the investigation because it was another one of their false flag attacks. They wanted to destroy all sympathy for Sikhs after the 1984 genocide by labeling us as terrorists. Then they used the terrorist argument to declare military rule in the Sikh home state of Punjab for two decades. 1-1.2 million Sikhs killed by the military and police during that time, all independent investigations of the human rights abuses in Punjab have been blocked.

I could ramble on for days and even provide links to back up all my claims, but it seems pretty pointless. Many people will simply see I am subscribed to the_donald and write me off as a conspiracy theorist. The fact is, me and my family have first hand seen the abuse of government propaganda and that's why trump has my support. I will never blindly trust the media without doing my own research.

Hence why I won't immediately believe that Assad gased his own citizens. It makes no strategic sense on his part. Also if Assad is the bad guy why were Syrians celebrating in the streets when the Syrian government liberated allepo from the rebels. This is undoubtedly the work of globalist backed rebels.

People say trump is racist because of his travel ban but it was Obama who destabilized Syria. Obama destabilized Libya. Obama destabilized Iraq. Obama has killed thousands of Muslims. Obama has funded the radical Islamists. Radical Islamic terrorism has flourished under Obama for all the above reasons but does any one criticize him, nope. Trump is the racist because he wants to get this whole middle east situation under control.

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