Is there anyone who mains Aloy or maybe even includes her in the team comp ?

I do. Very often actually. Mainly for freeze. She’s a better battery than Diona, and I’d rather use Aloy over Diona, Chongyun or Kaeya in Ayaka teams. That way I can run her with 0% ER and a high base attack weapon like Aquila than being stuck with Amenoma.

I Also use her in mono cryo with Shenhe Kazuha and ganyu for support and battery. The most useful character for daily hunting, and an incredible subdps battery. She is able to front load her damage much faster than most cryo subdps, which is why I really like using her.

Her skill does a lot of damage. With sacrificial bow, Kazuha, Ganyu and Shenhe, Aloy’s skills initial hit around 35k + 10k/bomb. I can do that twice/rotation so it hits around 130k after Shenhe buff expires. Her burst does around 50k so she totals to around 180k damage in 3 seconds per 20s rotation.

It’s a massive quality of life since both my Ganyu and Ayaka happen to have 0% ER but massive attack and crit stats.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread