Why is there not a popup when you receive a commend?

Probably going to get downvoted but this is the same thing that games on your cell phone do. There is nothing wrong with making money. It's unfortunate that some people can buy things others have to work for, but unless i'm mistaken gem td is not a game where you are competing against other players like dota is. League of Legends or HOTS is wrong by making people compete with each other where a person who has more disposable income can basically buy heroes and buy an advantage over other players when another person is not realistically capable of playing enough to unlock those heroes. But there is nothing wrong with monetizing in and of itself. It's like complaining about girls on twitch who use dota as a type of webcam service. There's nothing wrong with it. If you don't like it don't support it. Dont watch it. But no one is killing anyone. But if i were an attractive early 20s woman with the capability of making money by standing infront of a camera and playing videogames i would do it without a second thought. Do you realize how fucking difficult it is to make a living?

ya sure how many times u swallowed cum? it ended up reaching ur brain. LUL. u do care, as u obviously responded. ROFL

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