There is one part in a book that completely eliminates it from me recommending it to my wife. Have you ever been in this predicament?

Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey. An interesting take on Fairy Tales from the eyes of a woman training to become a godmother. In it she's trying to teach a prince a lesson in humility and kindness to make him a better person, he decides to teach her lesson and grabs her and tries to force himself on her. She's magical so if course it doesn't work but when she's telling her servants she says 'he tried to seduce me!' and all of them are just like 'oh yea, we figured he'd do that.' No! He tried to rape you! It's not something that should be brushed off as a character quirk.

Then later he's given a test to prove he's reformed that's basically he decides to help a woman being raped instead of joining the attacker to rape her to.

It had been a good story up till that point.

/r/books Thread