Is there a reason as to why Pantheon's Shield can block Yasuo's Q but Jax's Counterstrike cannot?

I’m pretty sure, Pantheon’s shield can block even tower hit.

Also, considering Panth is an early game champion and Jax scales reeeeally well into late game it is logical that the 1st needs to play aggressive and he needs his shield to block everything + an early damage, and the 2nd need to play more defensive early on to scale.

Considering how op Jax’s E is, using it to block Yasuo Q you are probably doing something wrong. Also, if he just E’d through your minions, you E’d and he landed the Q - you stun him in your minions and you win the trade, aren’t you?

Anyway, I disagree with original post, I’d rather say that Jax’s E is too overpowers than say that pantheon needs to be nerfed.

Also I’m not playing Panth, only in ARAMs occasionally and I lost several times to pantheon jungle. And I still think that Pantheon’s kit is alright and his early power and passive compromises his late game uselessness.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread