There should be more empowerment for young men

The problem with your argument is that guys have to improve themselves way more than women do in their late teens all the way up through their late 20s. A woman from 18-30 merely has to be available sexually and not be utterly unattractive to be a dating prospect, while a man of that age better be in shape and have a decent job. Past 30 men gain power in the dating game while women see it erode as they lose their youth.

This leads to a lot of men under 30 being dissatisfied with the dating scene and becoming insecure and jaded.

What we are seeing in society are 35+ year old women bitter that men don’t care about them any more, and men under the age of 30 who can find themselves bereft of good dating choices because they don’t look like young Brad Pitt and didn’t have the connections to land a high paying job.

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