Is there a subreddit for 21+ asexuals?

I'm an adult asexual myself and honestly I don't mind either way, although I can see why you'd feel a little out of place with so many of those posts coming around

For me personally however, I'm a little happy it's reaching a point where teenagers can ask that question as much as they do, because it means that slowly but surely this orientation is starting to gain traction and become recognized. I had to go years into adulthood wondering what was wrong with me before I realized the truth due to how unknown it was.

I can understand your desire to see more posts by adults and for adults though. We have our own fair share of challenges trying to tackle the adult world as a still relatively invisible orientation. I'd love to see more threads about it here. But if a new subreddit pops up just for that I'd have no problem frequenting there either.

/r/asexuality Thread