There were like 8 legal spots on the opposite side where he wouldn’t have to block a sidewalk.

Narrow aisle, high traffic area, giant cardboard product display, barely enough room for one cart to get through, perfect place to park buggy and go to another aisle to look for something or have a chat up with your neighbor for a half an hour that you already talk to 3 hours a day. Then act like people trying to get through or shop are interrupting YOU.

I know, I know, well it’s terrible but what are you gonna do because his pension only cove-oh you want through? Go ahead. No. No. Go ahead. Go ahead. barely moves an inch -ANYWAY he doesn’t want to go through all that and who can blame him after what he’s been through with that daughter of his and all them kids she has all from different fathers.

Shut up and MOVE.

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