Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows

Over a simple Democrat vs Republican thing .........No, a Businessmen politics do not matter to me altogether that much. I might not Like or agree with them but i am there to buy a Product not judge there Political Leanings. But if lets say I found out that the said business man or women was giving money to lets say anti American groups or were not giving there workers equal pay or whatever i might think twice about buying there. But quite frankly I feel that nobody needs to know a Local merchants Political views I do not cair if you are democrat or republican, gay or hetero, man or women Oompa Loompa or a human There is no need to broadcast to the world your political leanings in that way. As a Business owner you are there to employ people, Provided and advertise goods and services, pay your taxes and that is it really.

/r/pittsburgh Thread