There Will Be No Commercial Breaks During The Presidential Debates

Dear diary, what a day! I decided to tune into the debate and at approximately 32 minutes in, total pandemonium as Hillary Clinton collapsed on stage! In a panicked rush, that Doc Choc guy storms the stage wielding both an epipen and diazepam pen in each hand. In his rush, he wildly miscalculated how fast he was moving, slams into Hillary's podium and sends it crashing down on top of her limp body! At the same time he accidentally stuck himself with the diazepam auto injector! He tried to get the podium off of Hillary but passed out before he could move it. The entire world must have watched in horror, and the crowd, have never heard a crowd gasp like that. So... they quickly got Hillary out from under the podium and struggled to pull her body off stage, it was dead weight and there was white foam coming out of her face and all over her blouse. I could hear a few people in the crowd dry heaving! Doc Choc shit his pants at this point and this lady (her GP?) and this other guy (her Neurologist?) were both screaming at each other! The secret service were like bizarre rigid robots moving around her body. They were trying to block the cameras but there weren't enough of them, so you could still see Hillary's body convulsing. Why weren't the agents helping them move her!?? Will update more soon! Wow!

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