There's an ask reddit thread asking why father's abandoned their children...

This is the situation i am in now. Within the month i am seriously considering filing divorce. I will lose my children, i am almost certain of it. My wife is far from a good person. She is masterful at emotional and mental manipulation. Hell i am pretty sure she is sitting over there talking to other guys right this second and has spent every night this last week doing the same. It isnt easy to get out.

Every time i have left she wouldn't let me see my kids for months. When she finally relented it was only because she was broke and she made me pay to see them (this on top of the regular support i provided). I have never felt such pain in my life.

When i finally got joint custody she started being the sweetest person you could imagine. To my shame i fell for it and went back. She talked me into getting married and having another kid. This has been my life for a while now. I tried leaving about 6 months ago and it was the same. She beat me to court and told probably the most heinous lies anyone has ever said about me. Even my lawyer said i would be lucky to get joint. Oh yea i also live in one of the most regressive counties in one of the most regressed states. So it was an uphill battle without all that already.

I have been steeling myself to lose everything. She will go to whatever length possible to destroy anything i have. Hell she already has. She doesnt care about our children, only about cash. I am hoping when i get this windfall i can buy joint from her. Offer her 10k just to sign. It will be expensive but not as expensive as losing my kids, my career, and pretty much everything i have built and love. If that fails my only choice is to leave.

/r/offmychest Thread Parent