There's a quote of Philip K. Dick that says: “There exists, for everyone, a sentence - a series of words - that has the power to destroy you". Which sentence is it for you?

Your mom sounds lovely /s She actually sounds like my mom who said something similar to me when I was 13...I was laying on the floor in a corner after another panic attack in between my crippling depression and she just starts collecting dishes and yells from the kitchen in her native language “stop your shit already” That’s how much she gave a shit...In my 30’s now and I recently brought up my panic attacks to her and she looked absolutely dumbfounded like I was explaining rocket science to her.

I know you don’t know me but I’m rooting for you. In the end, no one is 100% ok, but if we make it to the next day we are survivors and it means we’re stronger than we think

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