There's this look some women give you during a long streak

Your androgen receptor theory is not proven in humans. The study was done for animals. Anecdotal evidence cannot be taken as a fact. People who engage in nofap are more likely to attribute positive things to it. That's just a fact. We can't take this as true scientific evidence. You keep saying there's direct benefits and all this and there's evidence blah blah blah. Where are "these documented benefits"? Haven't shown me one yet. Still haven't showed any direct proof in humans. Smell doesn't necessarily mean it's pheromones. If you don't take a shower or are sweaty as shit, you smell like crap and of course that lowers attraction. Smelling good and being hygienic definitely makes someone more attractive than if they smelled like garbage. That doesn't necessarily mean it's pheromones.

T levels are at their highest after sex. Obviously jacking off and sex are different, but the end result is the same. Either way no study points to long term effects of abstinence on t levels. Only short term.

I say it's a placebo because if nofap magically changes things, then nofap should provide more attraction to women and increase sexual encounters. However, for that to be true, women would have to be able to distinguish whether a dude is abstinent vs jacking off. There's no logical evidence to support that they can. Sure, increased confidence and more drive and energy can improve attraction. That's what caused the attraction though. Not nofap. If people implemented those factors on their own, it would improve their success even if they jacked off and watched porn all the time. There's plenty of dudes who can pull even though they jack off and watch porn a lot. Think about it this way. If A causes B and B causes C, does A cause C? No, that's a logical fallacy. If B can be obtained without having A, you can still get C. Confidence and drive can be obtained even if you fap and watch porn.

It's a placebo because nofap in itself isn't the real cause of female attraction, if it even ends up that way. I guarantee if you don't approach and hit on girls and don't improve anything in yourself, just avoiding fapping will do jack shit for you.

You can say all you want, but it's just your opinion. Glad nofap is helping you, but you could probably have gotten results with girls even if you jerked it.

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