These checks and priority mail, made out to my screen name, from internet scammers.

So I recently posted a Craigslist add to sell some items and of course I was bombarded by scammers. After years of dealing with scammers whether by phone calls/emails/or Craigslist replies I have decided to take a different approach than others.

Phone scammers: keep them on the phone as long as possible, troll them a little bit but make sure they don’t catch on. One day I made it two hours keeping a guy on the phone. Poor bastard would sit on hold for twenty minutes at a time.

Craigslist scammers: I give them a phony name and my local police station address. This is a relatively new approach for me but I have had 1/2 success rate. Literally this is from 48hrs ago:

And this one is the fail:

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