A thing I came up with(I'm ace as friiiick)

This reminds me of a pictionary game I played with my family once (if you don't know, pictionary is a board game where you have to make your teammate guess a word by drawing it) . My sister and I would always team up, and since we're both artists and around the same age and like the same stuff, it's pretty easy to communicate the word to each other. My sister and I eventually gained a reputation for how well we did together that my uncle would (jokingly) accuse us of just whispering the answer to each other whenever it was our turn.

I did NOT help this whatsoever when I picked up the card for a "just us" turn (rather than our team race the clock against the other teams, it would be just me drawing and my sister guessing). With the whole family and three other teams watching us, my uncle, with good humor, muttering about it not being fair that we were a team, I picked up my pencil with a flourish, tapped the page, and then put my pencil down. Timer was going, the rest of my family was laughing, and my uncle was decrying the possibility of anyone guessing the right answer.

And after just a handful of false tries, my sister guesses, "Speck?"

Yes! We get to advance in the game! And we also basically got a lifelong ban from ever teaming up again when the family plays pictionary!

Good times...

/r/asexuality Thread