Things that bug me about free-will or lack thereof.

Even if an inner self exists, how would the choice actually be made. It can't be pulled out of a vacuum. It has to come from something that precedes it. If there is something/s that precede it and that directly result in the choice then the choice was never made. It was simply derived. An answer was arrived at through calculation and weighing of information, emotional states, and hormones. If the answer was arrived at then the inner self didn't really make a choice, the choice was inevitable (a notion that nullifies the meaning itself of the word choice). The inner self is not exclusive to the code that calculates a decision. The code does it through causality. That is what the previous commentor means by causality. One thing leads to another and a prediction is made that choosing to drop out of college will lead to lower economic burdens. The prediction here, what we like to call choice, really is merely a prediction and nothing else. A prediction that happened through a well defined response code. The 'choice' was never made.

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