Thinking of trying this game out again...

The game is a LOT OF WORK very little fun to be had trying to earn any significant amount of gold. Without gold you're completely powerless.

Just keep that in mind.

The game is fun, combat, scenery, the dungeons (if you can get in them) but a lot of the issues that made me quit in a couple years ago, are still there and even amplified.

Being able to kick someone from a group if they're "not good enough" or if they have the wrong crystals because the leader is complete douche bag. This function should be removed. If you don't like the randomness of pugs, then don't pug. Period. I say those players should stick to kicking their guildmates, see how that goes. lol.

Anyhow, the economy is HUGELY inflated. 5million gold is common now. if you have 400K gold you're broke.

I can't gain more than 10-20k gold maybe there are no guides that are current, and farming is the thing that kinda pays off but again refer to my first statement, it s a lot of HARD WORK.

Ravenous Gorge suffers from the typical Korean RNG, you'll run it 10 times and it might drop ear rings or a ring but probably nothing at all. This is normal. the 10man raid, Rifts Edge, drops only an Ambit token and some scrolls basically useless, no real l reason to run that either.

Bathysmal Rise, is the main dungeon does drop Ambit gear, but GOOD LUCK getting a group. Even with a guild, you won't be able to run it, as they'll probably exclude you, unless you find a nice guild which doesn't exist on Mount Tyrannus (PvP)

I play off and on, bit more this month than normal and I do enjoy myself, There are fun aspects to the game, however my review is very no biased, and is 100% fact. I'm not a fanboy so I don't run around with rose colored glasses, suckling the tit of Enmasse or Bluehole.

Both companies have a lot of improves that need to be made, but they never will because.. lazy.

Play it, you'll have fun, but it'll be in small doses unless you're naturally an elitist douche bag, you'll fit right in.

I apologize if this post offends anyone, you're probably part of the problem if it does. In which case, if you uninstalled the game, the rest of use would be grateful because that improve the overall experience.

/r/TeraOnline Thread