Those pad locks on bridges, which I guess represent love….Has anyone ever wanted to get some bolt cutters and just see how many you can set free before the cops tackle you? Or is it just me? Honestly I think I could clear most bridges before they get me.

If you want the crux of my issue with Poland, and I love the country, as I’ve alluded to I spent time in the US military so if, God forbid, the Russians come here…my ass and all I’m worth is up on one of these block flats with a hunting rifle.

Laugh if you will but the Russians within my field of fire will not be laughing. And some of my old mates tried to get me to go to Ukraine and I really really wanted to but I have a family. I was a sniper back in the the late 1990s. Since Ukraine I’ve been going to ranges to get some reps in. So…I know Poles hate criticism and I get it. But please understand, I’m all in. And if they do ever come, you’ll be glad you’ve got crazy old Americans like me around who don’t run.

I’m just irritated because the school system treats dyslexic kids like shit.

/r/poland Thread Parent