To those of you who smoke Marijuana

There's a lot of healing to be done... As you can imagine. It is well documented that those who take these recreational substances retard the growth and maturing of their emotional bodies... In general, you & others can remain quite unbalanced for many years even throughout remainder of your incarnation. For example... When you see a man or women in their 30's or 40's with the maturity of a 15 or 20 year old, you know there is something that has stunted the growth of their emotional body... The emotional body usually stops maturing at the age one starts ingesting these substances.

I'm sure everyone has a certain desire to evolve and become the divine being they are... It is our very nature. Those who use drugs or similar addictive substances are only looking outside themselves when the answers are within the depths of their soul... Drugs & Addiction lowers the vibrations of the body. (There are those who are genetically very strong and don’t seem to be physically affected. For many, the brain and the emotional body are most affected.)

As I was saying, one's mind can become dulled & cloudy while in these states of consciousness... Prolonged drug use gradually creates weakening and tearing or misalignments in the chakra system... (The chakras can no longer carry as much light and begins to be imprinted with negativity so to speak) People trapped in addictive tendencies tend to not feed their bodies what is needed to remain in balance and vitality. These types of imbalances created in the body are not conducive to motivating addicts to change their ways... They are malnourished. Not feeding the body properly and regularly is part of the self-hatred and denial syndromes of those engaging in addictions.

This means that users may not value themselves as divine beings. (Seek to understand the divine laws... A majority of people are programmed to be emotionally activated out of fear. This is an old programming & once again this isn't new.) The body needs to be replenished several times a day with natural and nutritious foods that carry as much life force as possible... Junk food diets in the form of fast foods are completely devoid of nutrients have been the main diet of the great majority of drug users...

It isn't too late for you. Awareness is key... Blessings.

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