Those who've dealt with crippling procrastination... how did you change your habits and become productive?[Serious]

Hi. 23. Currently moved out, school full time, work part time, dating, friends, good social life, a little extra money in my pocket, I'm finally on my way to transferring out of community college soon, and I've also just started learning a new language! 21 me was low self-esteem and probably depressed, wasting time, couldn't land a date, lost, stuck at crappy job,and was on academic probation.

Honestly I just tried everything i could come across that promised a better me. Read self help books, tried new hobbies, picked up little tips like the 2 minute rule, exercise, meditation, etc.. and eventually certain habits just starting sticking as I began to lose older ones. I still procrastinate at times, we all do, but at this point i'm much better at handling more work and actually getting it done. Developing into a better you just takes a long term investment in yourself and it takes holding on through however many times you fail. Its really not going to happen over night.

I recommend taking everything you can out of this thread and from any source around and just trying it out, let whatever works stick and whatever doesn't fade away. Seems like your head is in the right place so just be persistent with what you do and develop a strong follow through. Start small and each accomplishment will raise you up in confidence and ability or really whatever your looking for, again just give it time. Good luck :)

/r/AskReddit Thread