I thought relationships just 'appear', don't they? 28F

yeah, sometimes people are surprised I don't have a boyfriend, I don't know about picking up the signs though - I am quite sensitive to people, it's more likely that I am introverted and men think I'm cold or reserved or smth. but I'm not that cold or reserved, I keep it to myself but I am generally friendly

my social circle is typically rather small but I used to meet new people pretty regularly over the years, I don't make friends easily, I'm the less is more kinda person. not that I asked a lot but maybe couple times I did mention I wouldn't mind being set up but it never went anywhere. a guy who rejected me last told me I should find a boyfriend and I said I was gonna ask his best friend (whom I was also friends with) to set me up and the guy started rambling about his friend not knowing who I need etc so I asked the rejecting guy to set me up with someone and he promised he would and of course he never did. other times I asked a friend and then even my mom. they came up short.

I have been on a date or two with people I weren't interested in, it was just lame, you know? like, honestly, just the kinda lame where you are like wow we have nothing in common. now that I think about it, the last guy I went on such a date with - he actually called me the next day and basically invited over to have sex and when I said no he said but how do you know, maybe you'll like it and I was like I'm pretty sure I won't but he still tried to talk me into it, that was hilarious and kinda infuriating at the same time))

the one time I came close to clicking wit ha person was this girl who had a crush on me and I kinda had a crush on her a little bit. I read her post on social media that she was crushing on me bad (at the time I just really liked her as a person and wished she were my friend but we barely interacted). after I read her post I kinda talked to her more and we began flirting but then once she called me and I really didn't know what to talk about because I didn't know where I wanted this to go and if I was ready for an actual relationship with her and she probably thought I wasn't interested in her so it died out after that.

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