Thoughts on Matchmaking?

If you goal is a great match sure, but that's probably not the goal. It's a F2P game, it has to make money. Naturally, that starts serving the lowest common denominator. If whats of people are playing party, and having long queues, they probably buy less items. You take away from the solo experience, to cater to them. Fruther, you create low population regions where you can't provide good service, good matchmaking. People come and cry about it on reddit. It's all a bid to get more people to buy cosmetics, you've got to be present everywhere. Banning people also seems to never happen, unless they are cheating. Whats the point of banning free to create accounts? Creates dead accounts, plus kill potential item buyers. Things are like boosting and smurfing are considered ok, even tho they make the overall experience worse. On top of that there are shadow pools, now that is where you put certain type of people. Say, people who multibox, or people who are toxic. There is not indication to players they are there. This will affect MMR, since matchmaking will create a team of toxic players and a team of normal players. This match is no longer 50/50, because chances are high toxic players will decent into flaming. This is great on paper, but you are suddenly deflating their MMR from their true skill, while inflating the MMR of normal people who are not that good. All this small factors add up to create this inconsistent matchmaking system, which in turns creates more people who flame, and then they cycle through lpq and shadow pool. It's not a great environment for playing, or being competitive. After all, MMR is not based on performance, only on match result. So, its weakly reflecting how good you are.

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