Thousands march for Welsh independence

Wales.... The country that requires me to lie by law to say responding to an email in Welsh won't lead to a delay.... Guess what sending it to a translator, then writing a response and sending that to a translator will cause a delay... Not because I don't like the language but because I'm not very good with it. Fortunately noone in STEM research uses Welsh as we operate internationally, in English, as does the rest of the world. How much money the Assembly wasted on that act I don't know. NB I like Welsh, I want to speak it and I'd rather each town had a single name the population wanted rather than forcing names on towns. Swansea believed to be derived from a Viking settlement Svan-sey or something like that. Abertawe is just by the river Tawe or the Tawe mouth, so more a location descriptor than a name. Just annoys me I'm required to lie by law

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