Throwing away all my nootropics - I quit

I am in love with noots and optimizing myself. My stack is working SO WELL! I don't really want to post this except this is a dead thread, because I don't like hyping people up when I haven't tested a stack for more than a month.

Right now I'm taking the stack I was taking last week + drugs to increase orexin.

NOTE: I have chronic fatigue and most likely an elevated TH1 immune system, I've been having health issues all my life. I have a whole bunch of other issues too and usually feel like shit. This stack might only work for me. In this way, I can't say whether stuff is "worth it", because everyone is different.

Last week stack

A post that compiles a lot of studies on stuff surrounding orexin

This week, I'm doing last weeks stack, but I'm adding in:

  • Resistant starch + probiotic to improve gut health (I had IBS before, which can cause inflammation which suppresses orexin)

  • Nicotine, the study says it has a large effect on orexin gene expression. I'm noticing crazy effects from this combined with everything else, but this is what ties everything together.

  • 25 mg 20% forskolin

Overall it creates a feeling of stimulation with warm hands and a very clear, wakeful mind.The NAC is really critical from last week's stack, because I'm really prone to overstimulation.

Oh and I'm also adding in 50 mg aniracetam, I tried 500mg like recommended, and I got this addictive feeling where I could think really clearly and focus on what I getting addicted to (usually making posts on reddit...), but with 50 mg it just helps me get my focus absorbed into whatever I'm doing.

I'm also doing binaural beats since I just got a pretty good quality headset for cheap on monoprice. This vid: at very low volume.

This post is very long and a waste of time but I'm really hyped so.. Plus it is the end of the day and I'm not going to be doing anything productive anyways!

/r/Nootropics Thread