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title points age /r/ comnts
4 x 4 is what? 48 8mos gifs 9
The perfect crime.. 1840 1yr whitepeoplegifs 36
White Collar criminals 539 1yr BetterEveryLoop 21
Badass nerds in action 33 1yr funny 2
Thug life 108 1yr funny 3
Nerd Vandalism 1385 2yrs funny 72
Math prank and yah 4 x 4 =16 33 2yrs funny 6
Geeks vandalizing 1351 3yrs funny 147
Geek vandalism 42 3yrs gifs 4
Revenge of the Nerds 27 3yrs gifs 4
High Crimes and Misdemeanors 28 3yrs GifSound 1
These guys are pretty hardcore 850 3yrs funny 213
Thuglyfe 50 3yrs gifs 8
r/theydidthemath in a nutshell 2290 2yrs funny 56
Suburban thug life 13 2yrs funny 3
THUG LIFE 16 1yr gifs 3
Geek Vandalism 1207 1yr funny 48

Source: karmadecay

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