TIL In 1850 42% of Free Negroes in Charleston, SC owned slaves.

As someone having to deal with gypsies every fucking day I think I can justify that hate somewhat.

  1. They ARE annoying. They shout on the bus, they don't care about hygiene (so they stink like a fucking landfill) and do not behave. Nowhere, never.
  2. They beg. Not a problem? Try ignoring them or telling them no. They get mad. They spit at you. Once a gypsy-woman told my SO sitting next to me 'May God give you breast-cancer' after we didn't give her money. Cute. Or once I was chilling a bit, smoking a cig on some stairs when a gypsy-woman comes begging for a cig. After refusing, she proceeded to piss on our fucking feet (lifting up skirt, psssh.). Fucking disgusting.
  3. What did they ever add to society? Is there one thing in world history involving gypsies in a good way? I mean; in the current society we expect everyone to participate and help in some way. These gypsies don't even register their children resulting in: 1) Fines not being paid (because who the fuck knows who is it? They don't have ID-card nor passport); 2) No education for them (they don't even care) 3) Etc. etc.
  4. They steal. Hard. If you don't hold your shit when they get close to you, they might as well take it from you. This does not apply on all gypsies, but I've seen it happen one too many times to leave this out of this list.
  5. I can go on with this list if you want. Easy.

Morale: they are horrible. And for the people living around those people, I completely understand their hate. However I think that the people from /r/europe that do not see them/deal with them on a daily base should refrain from expressing this because they have no foundation on which their opinion is based.

My $0.02. Let the downvotes rain.

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