TIL in 1957 Bernie Sanders hit a dog with a foul ball in Iraq. After hitting the dog with another foul ball, he nursed it back to health. They developed such a strong bond that after Bernie came back in 2007, the dog travelled 420 miles to stab Bernie with a screwdriver.

Sorry for the rant, I know it probably doesn't belong on this forum, but this is outright animal abuse and it's 100% financed by tourists who don't know any better - and people who post these pictures, animating tourists to go there (Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Pattaya, Thailand). I bought into it too before I actually visited the place. I was supposed to shoot a news feature on this picture back in 2008. Once I got there it took about 15 minutes to figure out what was going on. They've been doing this for years, taking cubs away from the tiger mothers and piglets away from the sows, switching the litters. It's a tourist attraction. The animals I saw there were in the worst state I've ever seen, ever, anywhere - and I've done a lot of travelling in third world countries. I interviewed one of the keepers, he said that once the cubs have outgrown the pig display, they don't let them out of their cages for the first two full years of their lives. Unless an unsuspecting tourist wants to bottle feed them for 50 Baht. The cages are about the size of a dog kennel. I saw bleeding faces rubbed raw on cage bars, tiger cubs crying for milk and constantly pacing, dozens of grown tigers in one mid-sized enclosure, continuously attacking each other (they're territorial). Newborn cubs that are placed with the sow share their enclosure with her piglets, who attack the cubs - tigers are completely defenseless at that age - I saw one newborn with both ears chewed off. The zoo had over 400 tigers when I was there. For what? Where do they go? They've been closed down before, for suspected illegal breeding and selling tigers off to China for slaughter. Also illegal. Not to mention tragic. This is an endangered species. But the zoo was able to reopen shortly after, because it's a tourist trap and a cash cow. Please don't ever go to this zoo, and educate people whenever you see these photos. Again, I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here, but people are still financing this zoo by visiting it, and I'd rather post an ill-placed and unwelcome rant than just have the photos deleted by the mods. At least that way some good can come of it. Some additional sources: https://awionline.org/awi-quarterly/2005-winter/too-close-comfort http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/scandal-of-zoos-missing-tigers-6170235.html I know these are old, but I contacted the Born Free Foundation in 2013, asking for their help in producing a documentary about the zoo - one of their members was in Thailand at the time and dropped by to see if the situation had improved since my visit in 2008. It had not. Edit: Recalling and correcting details as I go. Edit 2: All these upvotes - amazing. This may actually create change. The more people read this, the less people will end up paying an entrance fee at Sriracha, which is the only way to shut them down. Thank you, reddit!

/r/circlejerk Thread