TIL 8 people accidentally snorted LSD at a party thinking it was cocaine, resulting in doses roughly 1000x higher than normal. All recovered fully within 12 hours.

I believe they ingested a psychedelic but not actually LSD. In the 70s many psychedlics were sold as "acid". LSD also has a very short half life in the body, so it's not really possible to test for it. Unless they tested the powder at the house which I find unlikely.

  1. They were recovered after 12 hours. I accidentally did ~20 hits or so one time (it was liquid) and I was tripping for at least 24 hours. At 12 hours I was right in the thick of it. Other LSD users might agree that 12 hours seems awfully short for a dose of that size.

  2. There have been many LSD overdose incidents since then but this paper is literally the only mention on the entire internet of generalized bleeding caused by this. Coughing and vomiting blood from an LSD overdose?

  3. Enough acid that you're able to do lines of it would be thousands and thousands of dollars worth, even back in the 70s. How would someone misplace or lose track of that? It's not outside the realm of possibility but seems so unlikely.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov