TIL that Axe advertising was targeted to work on insecure males. The ads were so succesful that the brand eventually backpedaled, as the brand was being too closely associated with their target group.

Are you implying that "Taking advantage of a drunk girl" = rape?

Because there's a pretty massive difference between a girl who has had 4 beers and is MORE EASILY WOO'D than a man finding a PASSED OUT GIRL AND LITERALLY RAPING HER.

I can't even count the number of times I've been inebriated at a bar and a pushy girl was trying to get my junk, was I raped? No! they were targeting me because they knew my drinking MIGHT improve their odds, I'm not even mad, why would I be? It is MY responsibilty to NOT get so drunk I can be raped, and it's MY responsibility to say no to persistent women

Know what my job is not?

Claiming that lonely, intoxicated, women, are RAPISTS because they tried to get with me while I'm drunk at a bar.

Dafuq is wrong with your generation?

Now show us how you're actually a dirt bag sexist and tell us how it's different because I'm a guy...

Fkn pathetic

I'm pretty sure Axe was referring to guys who hang out at parties hitting on drunk girls hoping to get lucky, I highly doubt they were picturing dudes holding down women who are passed out cold and raping with grins on their faces

WTF is seriously wrong with you people?

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - businessinsider.com