TIL of the Bolton Strid, a stream with a 100% fatality rate

Your friend leaps over to the other side and turns around, challenging you to make the jump. Against your better judgement, you decide to make the leap. At the last moment, your wet shoe slides across the slippery moss and you falter. You try in vain to turn the awkward stumble into a jump, but slam into the large rock jutting out from the other side.

You claw desperately at the wet rock as the current grabs your legs. Within seconds the pull of the river causes you to slip, and you plunge into the icy brook.

You try to keep your head up but the powerful river surges all around you. You struggle to the surface and take one last breath before the river pushes you back down.

You close your eyes and put your hands out in front of you to protect yourself from rocks downstream. However, the river is surprisingly deep, and you find yourself unable to grasp any rocks underneath. You feel powerless as the river surges around you, pulling you downward. You tumble along for what seems like an eternity, but in reality is only a few seconds. Completely disoriented, you try to push back against the current to find your way back up.

You push back towards what feels like the direction of the surface. You open your eyes and it's pitch black. Panic sets in as you start to struggle and consume the oxygen in your lungs. You make one last desperate effort to burst forth to the surface, as if coming up from the bottom of a deep swimming pool, yet your outstretched hands slam into a solid rock wall, worn smooth by the passage of water and time.

In manic desperation you slide your hands to the side, and kick with your legs to move across in the direction the water is flowing from, yet the current is too strong, and moves you against your will back across the rock wall.

You struggle mightily against the current, but it just depletes more of your oxygen, causing you to become frantic. As the river settles you into the very back of the cave, you bump up against something. You feel cloth, and something hard surrounded by something soft and sticky. You realize you are feeling a corpse that has been pushed to the back of the cave.

You realize you are going to die, but you hold your breath as long as you can. As you start to lose consciousness, you lose sensation, and water fills your lungs as you reflexively breathe in effort to save your life. Your last thoughts are of your family.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - amusingplanet.com