TIL The Catholic Church considers the Theory of Evolution to be "virtually certain", and believes that intelligent design "isn't science even though it pretends to be."

I think it boils down to republican politics and media propagating fear and violent denial of ideas that conflict with your world views. I tried to explain to my mother(with a heap of sources) that democrats were protecting net neutrality, and that republican politicians were spinning liberal efforts as trying to control the internet. To which she replied very simply: "You better check your facts because Obama is in the middle of controlling the internet as we speak. He wants everything under a dictatorship. Republicans are less government not the other way around. Don't take anything on the Internet for its word because they will lie to you. The history shows that Republicans are less government control and the Democrats are more government control. If you want to be government controlled you can go live in a country that wants that. When Obama gets out of office I hope they repeal the crap out of the shit he has pushed through without Congress."

She ignored what I wrote to her, which should have prevented her from saying what she did.. Her response was discredited in the message she was responding to.. But she had no concept of that, because my points never actually made it into her brain, only her twisted version of them did. It's like, when reading/understanding something, she stops short at her first "understanding" of the content... Telling her she misperceived what was written, runs the risk of being called hateful and dismissed.

When I discuss the XL Pipeline with her(just cause i know it's a hot topic for her), she makes such absolute statements about what "needs to be done." When I point out that she's not possibly qualified to say those things, she insists I'm just full of hate and claims that she's completely qualified but does not offer any reason or proof.. No concept of her place in reality. This infallible mentality of hers has really handicapped our relationship, she has no idea who I am. Perhaps the worst part, is that she would be so proud of me if she had the capacity to see me accurately.. But she doesn't have a clue, and sees me as the enemy. She thinks I'm a total low life.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org