TIL of Chad Varah—a priest who started the first suicide hotline in 1953 after the first funeral he conducted early in his career was for a 14-year-old girl who took her own life after having no one to talk to when her first period came and believed she’d contracted an STD.

I went to catholic school and had "sex ed" in 5th grade too. We didn't get separated between boys and girls probably because we got so little information that it didn't matter anyway. No pictures, no diagrams, no labeling of parts that I can remember at least. The only visual part I remember is the teacher trying to explain something and getting frustrated so she drew the most PG rated penis on the chalkboard I've ever seen. She briefly told us about periods and boners, and kinda barely described sex. I feel really bad for any of my classmates who didn't have it explained to them by their parents at home. If I only had the info I learned in school that day I would be so confused.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - samaritans.org