TIL Charles Whitman (Texas Tower shooter) asked to have an autopsy after his death to see what caused him to kill. After the autopsy it was discovered that he had a tumor pressing on his brain, which could have been the reason for his shooting.

I called them cunts because no one is negating what I am saying. Only name calling so fuck off. Maybe when you all can prove me wrong I will not be so incline to call you cunts. But the very fact that I am just downvoted and told to drink milk or that I'm stupid shows you fucks really are stupid and all this thread is doing is proving my point that the majority of gun owners are ignorant as all hell and can't even comprehend how groups like the NRA make true gun owners look bad. I mean sorry I can understand and acknowledge letting blind people buy guns is a bad idea. But not the NRA. So yeah this thread is doing nothing but making me smile because it only shows how stupid you people are. I have done nothing but address a logical flaw within the gun community and all the gun community did was get butt hurt and name call because they are to dense to explain how the NRA and their stupid slogan makes a lick of sense. But yeah please continue to tell me how me name calling is not productive when my original comment only name called towards the NRA but yet I was met with stupid comments and name calling. So who is the one not being productive. If anything I have got my point across and find it sad no gun owner has to knowledge to some how defend the NRA and it's stupid slogan that this thread was hypocritically going against (hence why I mentioned it.) I truly am happy that once again I got another hypocritical gun owners response. Like hot damn that's 3 hypocritically comments from my original one. God it's almost sad instead of funny how stupid you gun owners make yourselves look. I am a gun owner and am on the side for gun rights. But I can read and do research and don't support the NRA and clearly that's not the case for most gun owners. Because like I said they are ignorant and make other gun owners look bad. Just like all you people circle jerking each other in this thread just like Reddit does every time guns are brought up. Even when brought up by a gun owner, in one of the Reddist states, who only wishes to keep my guns but understands that will only happen once Americans see well minded go owners. You know the ones who aren't scared to address flaws in the community. Every community has flaws and you stupid fucks can't even acknowledge your own. That's a great way to get government to take guns away. Especially trying to get blind people and kids to have guns.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org