TIL of the concept of Deja Reve. Deja Reve is the same as Deja Vu but instead of feeling that you've experienced an event once before, you instead feel you've dreamt of this event once before.

Is there a name for a feeling that you have explained something to others before or even before it happens? This is hard to explain in itself but I get this feeling several times a week when I am doing something that I have clearly done it and explained it already to someone else. For some reason it feels like "reporting back" and the people/person I reported it back to is not an enemy or in a position over me they/he (?) just wants to know the things I do. It's sometimes reporting something I would not divulge to others but not necessarily shameful. An quick example would be going to purchase something as a gift for someone and as I approach the item in the store I have a super clear memory that I had explained buying it and why I bought it to someone in the past. A thought will come into my head of the memory of reporting it "I got this for him because I knew he liked toy cars". When I get these I have tried to focus on who I am speaking to but within the memory it's almost like I am in a stupor and reporting to someone I can't see. This feeling is clearly a conversation that happened in the past though. Like I am experiencing something I already did and reported back. Often it's something where I have reported back something secret or quasi-shameful that I would not tell others. The memory of reporting it back to someone in the past is so real to me though. It's a form of deja vu I would think but there is something else there.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - cnn.com