TIL that duct tape (85%) is significantly more effective than cryotherapy (60%) for removal of the common wart.

And I got rid of all the warts that over more than two decades started to multiply more and more on the solves of my feet twice, the first time temporarily and the second time permanently:

One, when I got systemic fluconazole-based anti-fungal medication (no I don't have AIDS, but I had much elevated heavy-metals, mercury to be exact). Suddenly all the warts were gone too, only insignificant remnants remained. They reappeared within a few weeks though.

Two, following the above another treatment: After decades of increase they all completely disappeared within a year of (anti heavy-metal - mercury) chelation therapy (using mostly DMPS infusions).

I just had another "medical miracle" at the endocrinologist, which according to the strange sensations I had for the first half year of that same chelation therapy I attribute to the same one: After two thyroid exams 20 and 5 years ago that showed the exact same thing, a much increased thyroid on the right side with an inactive nodule (recommendation: surgery, for both - which I rejected) a few weeks ago the endocrinologist didn't believe what he saw using ultrasound and asked me back on my back for another round, re-examining his own work because he could not believe it: The thyroid is normal size now and the nodule is gone, completely. That's not supposed to happen, once you have it you have it.

The only possible source for the mercury? Amalgam fillings. Also, my upper jaw left and right side were easily penetrated by a needle intended for the mucosa only, meaning the bone was very severely damaged. Where? Well, right were the amalgam fillings used to be...

But every good doctor is going to tell you that I'm fantasizing. Amalgam fillings are perfectly safe! Don't listen to this crazy redditor who's just making up stuff.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - deathandtaxesmag.com