TIL a Harvard study found that hiring one highly productive but toxic worker does more damage to a company’s bottom line than employing several less productive but more cooperative workers.

Just my .02

We relaxed our hiring requirements 2 years ago due to growth. Our team of 20 grew to 30.

Two of the folks started hijacking meetings (playing off each other) and complaining about everything, several other newer team members we had with questionable performance jumped on that train. It became a chore to have team meetings and we wound up cancelling them. The two squeaky wheels created five.

Over the next few months we had situations where we would have team admins crying and wanting to quit after being berated, one of the two didn't actually understand what their job requirements were and we found out this person literally did nothing and pushed it all off on the admins and felt they had the right to harshly critique them.

It took a while, but that person was let go. Message was sent. We still have one of the two, but that person has been very quiet. I do hear background rumblings from time to time, and it's just as irritating as it was sitting in those meetings.

Meanwhile the admin was promoted for actually doing the work.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - tlnt.com