TIL that in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, many people bribe officials to declare their relatives legally dead, thus gaining ownership of their land. This led to the formation of an organisation called The Uttar Pradesh Association of Dead People, to advocate for those wrongly declare dead.

There are plenty western comparisons. My immediate family live in America. Meanwhile, my aunt in England was siphoning money from my grandmothers account for years when she was unable to leave the house. She has Severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder and has everyone around her fooled. Most of this money was spent on wine in the pub. When she visited, she used the opportunity to say it was my mother stealing money. She did take money. To pay for taxes, carer costs, groceries, etc. Nothing for herself, really. She even had my grandmother at Halifax to sign off for these things in a completely lucid state. Not one on my mother's side of the family believes her and in the entire village made her an outcast. Even so far as to subtly push her out of the funeral arrangements. My aunt is extremely nice until you are her a danger to her image and ego. Then she will try to devote her time to destroying your own image among other people. She also cheated us on the will since she was very sexually promiscuous and the solicitor who represented the will and my grandmother were old bedfellows and current drinking bodies.

Due to the nature of English villages, it was worthless to bring this attention to the law. Everyone will deny it. That's just the way it works.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org