TIL Issac Newton called atheism "senseless" and warned against using the law of gravity to view the universe as a mere machine, saying, "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being."

why should we care about it?

That's a great question, which, however, cannot be answered by science.

Science cannot tell us what we should care about or value. Science can lead to the discovery and invention of the physical world, such as creating a way to split an atom. But, it cannot tell us what to do with the technology of splitting an atom. For example, should we destroy all human life? or only use atomic energy for supplying power to people? Or should we not use atomic energy at all? All of these questions cannot be answered by science.

Science also cannot tell us much about anything in which humans are involved, because testing human interactions is almost impossible. This category of knowledge includes: law, policy, economics, psychology, sociology, etc. We can dress these fields up in scientific language (i.e. see social "sciences" and so-called "evolutionary psychology"), but ultimately they are outside the purview of scientific inquiry.

So you can only care about what can be observed, measured, or tested, but society needs answers to questions that go beyond those limits.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org