TIL A man in New Jersey went to the emergency room for an open cut on his finger and was charged almost $9,000 for a tetanus shot and a bandage.

Many countries don't offer free healthcare and the systems are working fine. The us system is shit because of government imposed Monopolies. Break up some larger insurance companies and medical systems into smaller susidiaries and the problem lessens due to increased competition. My experience in the Czech Republic taught me this an employer funded healthcare system is cheap and accessible for all when jobs are plenty. For the record I'm for free health, food and shelter for all. But seeing why someone argues against just making it free is a first step in presenting an argument for my side. I think most basic necessities should be free though. The land belongs to humanity so we should distribute the resources better (don't know what that means yet).

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nbcnewyork.com