TIL millennials aged 18-34 are more likely to live with their parents than with a spouse/partner - the first time this has ever happened since record-keeping began in the 1880s

we've been trying to prepare our daughter for life on her own for years. i dont wanna fucking work and support her into my old age. i know its tough out there but for christsake me and her mother just spent 19 years and probably ~200k raising her up so the least she can do is suck it up and support herself while we go enjoy our golden years.

of course we love her but damn millennials are fucking boring. wont eat any exotic foods, only wants to watch bullshit tv and movies designed for pre-teens, has no interest in getting an education, isnt interested in exploring the world, 100% adverse to any sort of risk. the kid is going to have to learn to fly pretty quick because shes about to be kicked out of the nest. i couldnt wait to get out on my own and left home when i was 15. it was amazing and i loved it. plus i learned really quick to do stuff like keep my living quarters clean, work and budget. im surprised some of these young punks can even wipe their own ass.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org