TIL the movie "Paranormal Activity" had a budget of only $15,000 but made $194 million. During the screening, people were walking out that one studio executive thought the film was bombing. They later learned that the viewers were actually leaving because they were too frightened.

Giving the original a 9.5 and saying that it was almost flawless, and then giving the remake, the exact same game but with better graphics, a 7.8, is inexplicable.

It’s pretty easy to explain.

1) Those are reviews by two different people with different opinions on the mechanics.

2) The game was a 9.5 in 2003. The same game is now 7.8 in 2014. The industry moved on and mechanics that were once acceptable have fallen out of fashion. For example, Morrowind is one of my favourite games of all time, and at the time it was a massive success with critics, but I accept that, were it released today, it would be negatively reviewed because of all the 2002-era design that would drive people nuts.

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