TIL Nirvana's Kurt Cobain made out with his bandmates on live TV "just to spite homophobes."

I'm just as uncomfortable watching straight people make out in public as gay people. It's not like I say anything, but I do consider it to be rude.

In movies I don't care either way, I'm getting into a story and i feel it's different watching two people make out in a play or film as opposed to next to me on the subway.

I feel you're stretching what you think my repulsion is in order to form a "morally superior" argument rather than my initial argument which is public intimacy is something I find uncomfortable. If you wish to debate the points you brought up you should be responding to the other guy, not me.

However I would like to respond to your points.

At no point did the other guy say he thinks gay people shouldn't kiss in public, he said it makes him uncomfortable. You're saying it shouldn't. Would watching someone masturbate in public make you uncomfortable? Should it? There have been cultures were public sexual acts were the norm, I think most of us would find that uncomfortable because it's not something we're used to. Likewise, some people find gay intimacy uncomfortable because they're not used to it. But just because it makes them uncomfortable doesn't mean they think it's wrong or that people shouldn't be allowed to do it, it's just not something they're used to seeing.

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