TIL Psy was sentenced to 25 days in jail for marijuana possession and as a result was unable to be with his grandfather when he lost his battle with cancer, or attend his funeral

I'm not insisting that you prove my claim one way or the other, I'm saying that if you really must know, there's information out there, but I don't have the time (or the interest) to find it for you.

It's also not a "Rule" that any time someone makes a claim on reddit that someone must challenge them to provide proof to the validity of that claim, although it always seems to bring people like yourself out of the woodwork.

You see, a normal person on hearing a claim that dragons exist, would either go "hmm.." if that seemed plausible, or if they don't would jump on google, type "Do dragons exist?" and viola! answer. No need to be a dick to the person making a claim, you're (I assume, I have no data to back this up) an adult that's able to decide to believe a claim or not.

But you just like to argue, so fair enough, you got one. I don't know why you keep insisting that you have offended me, I really don't care about your opinion, so it would be impossible for you to offend me, I don't offend easily.

I do agree though, that it's not unreasonable to ask for proof of a claim, my argument is that it's a dick move, and unnecessary, as if you think I made up that I think Asia's drug laws are effective, I even provided an anecdote of my experience in Asia that demonstrates that effectiveness as a deterrent, sorry I didn't conduct a study of drug crime rates in Asia since they brought strict drug laws into effect, I just don't have the resources, please forgive me.

So, as an official statement I'd like to make this disclaimer: "My post saying that drug laws in Asia are effective is my personal opinion based on my experiences travelling in Asia, and NOT based to any research conducted in the region. I would like to formally apologise to u/zap2 for misleading him/her, and I will make sure in future to attach a disclaimer when voicing my opinion."

That better?

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org