TIL the real grown ups are the ones spreading conspiracy theories from a rapist

Hoisted by your own petard.

My job here is done, because my work your sub now has rules against your debating technique (aka calling in all your little buddies to help you)

I had a good time! We should do this again on another sub. I'll accuse you of being a hate sub because of mobbing (the reason r/fatpeoplehate got shut down), your sub buddies will involuntarily confirm this, mods will get nervous and issue out rules to prevent this from happening, and I'll change your entire sub's dynamic by myself more than you ever could... again.

Congratulations, r/enough_sanders_spam, you were successfully spammed, by a Sanders supporter no less, and can no longer spam as a sub because of Sanders spam. I'll count that as a win, but you can keep all those precious upvotes you worked so hard for. Don't spend them all in one place!

-Yours truly, u/Colossonaut Trolling for a greater purpose

/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com