TIL Romanian sewer workers accidentally discovered a cave which was sealed for 5.5 million years. Movile Cave is filled with evolutionary distinct exotic creatures (albino crabs, worms) which feed off sulfur-producing bacteria

Not really. We think we won. But have we? That is the stupid thinking we need to get past to become a space colonizing species. Eh, we will or we'll die. Everyone has different beliefs and I'm fine with that. Just...I see what most humans are like, very few are capable of what others deem great. Besides, either nothing matters do to entropy, or we can escape to other Universes, in which case, there is bound to be a species beyond us...though...being beyond or superior is a human idea, and therefore biased. We're just scheming apes. In fact, anything beyond the tribal stage is basically people being conned into making life easier for the few. We can survive in the wild, but we are forced to participate in society or die on the streets without wildlife survival skills(minus people like me who prepare for the worst because being a man is knowing how to make a fire and track animals in case you need to kill them quickly for food, only if necessary.) I don't see how this chaotic bullshit makes us great. Idk. We haven't won, because unlike sports and warfare, existing is not something that can be won or lost. And on the huge chance we do go extinct...wouldn't animals that survive, such as many species insect, have won? I don't get it. I love my friends and would see my kid as special if ever a father, but, that too is bias. I just can't respect the judgement of a species, many of whom, don't believe fumes and cutting down trees, could somehow cause climate change that may just ruin Earth for all of us, including me and the possible children of me and my fiancée. I mean, thanks for that humanity, you ruined the planet for my descendants. drops mic Though, I thought our bragging rights were that we surpassed the environment. Get the species self wanking right.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - bbc.com